Best in class products

Properties and benefits of Mi Agro cattle feed.

  • Cows and buffaloes give milk for a long time.
  • Animals find it tasty and nutritious.
  • Gets digested very quickly.
  • Keep animals healthy.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Provides ability to ward off disease.
  • Increase in milk and ghee.
  • Animal interest comes early..

  • इस पशु आहार में प्रचुर मात्रा में खनिज लवड हैं
  • अच्छी गुणवत्ता का प्रोटीन हैं
  • अच्छी गुणवत्ता का वसा हैं
  • इस आहार में सिरका भी हैं जो पचता बहुत अच्छा हैं व दूसरे पदार्थो को भी पचता हैं |

Bag Weight Available in 25Kg & 50Kg

This animal feed is used on a cow or buffalo giving less than 5 liters of milk. It contains 2.25% fat and 18% crude protein. Very good for native animals. It has been prepared for Indian farmers and cattleman.

  • ये 5 लीटर दूध तक उचित हैं
  •  देसी गाय व भैस के लिए उचित हैं |

Bag Weight Available in 25Kg & 50Kg

This animal feed is for cattle and animals giving milk more than 10 liters but less than 20 liters. This animal feed is completely made from steam production. It has abundant fat and protein which is as per national standard. All types of cow buffalo It is helpful in increasing the quantity of milk and keeping the animals healthy.

  • ये 10लीटर तक दूध के लिए उचित हैं
  • ये पशु के 10लीटर तक निकले दूध में जो खनिज निकलता हैं उसे पूरा करने में सक्छम हैं
  • पेट में नेचरल एंटी बॉडीज अतः हर्बल का प्रयोग किया गया हैं |

Bag Weight Available in 25Kg & 50Kg

This animal feed is used on a cow or buffalo giving less than 10 liters of milk. It contains 3% fat and 18 to 20% crude protein. Its digestibility is 75 to 80%. It contains 8% crude rate. Very good for native animals. It has been prepared for Indian farmers and cattleman.

  • P 10 के सभी गुड़ के साथ इसमें यीस्ट, फेनुग्रीन डाला गया हैं
  • इसमें बाई पास वसा व बाई पास प्रोटीन की मात्रा भी प्रचुर हैं |

Bag Weight Available in 25Kg & 50Kg

This animal feed is a boon for the dairy industry. It is fed to animals giving milk above 20 l but less than 30 l, it contains a mixture of many minerals besides 5% fat and 20 to 30% protein. Due to which there are completely positive results of animal feed. Due to which the income of the animal husband increases and the animal remains completely healthy and happy.

  • P 20 + हैं यह दोगली गाय व अच्छी भैस के लिए विषेस रुप से बनाया गया हैं
  • इसमें हर्बल खर पतवार पे भी फोकस किया गया हैं जो केवल चराने में मील सकता हैं |

Bag Weight Available in 25Kg & 50Kg

This animal feed is best for animals giving milk above 30 liters. It is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. This is for all types of cows of foreign breed. This brand is very good, It is a very good product for dairies looking to consume more quantity of milk.

  • ये एक यूनिक उत्पाद हैं
  • जो केवल अत्यधिक उत्पादक गायों व भैसो के लिए हैं
  • इसमें सतावर, जीवन्ति, एन्ज़यम, कई तरह के सिरका का उपयोग होता हैं |